Wednesday, January 4, 2023

A New Year    

Well here it is 2023. Sounds weird doesnt it? Let us hope that with the new technology that is being used, that more cold cases can solved and folks sitting in the morgue can get identified.

My idea to a local politician fell on deaf ears. I suggested that perhaps people should submit a DNA sample when renewing or getting their State Drivers license or ID.  I was told it could be an "invasion of privacy" but if you have nothing to fear why would it be? Can you imagine the cold cases that could be solved. Or even better, all the unidentified folks in the morgue that could be identified? I wish there was a lawmaker ballsy enough to suggest this to the governors of every state. I dont think its an invasion of privacy, I consider it a safety issue in cases such as a missing person or even a cold case  where the suspects DNA was found.

Perhaps I am a dreamer, or else maybe just maybe I'm tired of seeing all these cold cases.
