Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Anonymous Information?

If you or someone you know has information about a cold case or the location of a body. You can call my Google Voice number. (713)481-3184. This is for those who do not want to deal with any law enforcement directly or even indirectly.  I wont reveal who you are, afterall it is anonymous!



Saturday, July 1, 2017


A lot of folks wonder what is my motive for doing this kind of work. Obviously it isn't money. LOL
It's to bring attention to these kinds of cases and the stories behind them. It's to tell the story of the hell I go through getting this information so you, the general public can know what is going on outside your front door. 

Between dating crazy women and working these cases, Ive been on Nancy Grace, Discovery, Discovery ID, 48 Hours, British and Japanese shows and of course local media. 

I've not been paid a dime for any of this. I am in the process of keeping a journal in hopes that one day, someone would be interested in this. 

I've always been good at research and gathering intel. It's a gift that requires patience and being assertive. It also helps if you've associated with nut cases and killers to get the inside scoop. 

Yea...what a life.
