Sunday, February 26, 2017

Body Found in Crosby

Im trying to find out more information about a body found in Crosby at the dead end of Typhoon Way. See below for location. Anyone with information please email me at


Monday, February 20, 2017

Don't you find it interesting that not only did I get Stallings to confess to this girls murder in a letter, but I got him to confess on camera in a news interview, yet they claim there is no reward and there's not enough evidence. However in the recorded call wit the FBI agent, he says he knows Stallings killed the two girls in Fort Bend County and "probably" this girl here. Stallings even goes into detail about how and why he killed her.
So make a note folks: The reward posters are bullshit. Don't call in tips or offer information when  you see these posters online or in person. They will find a way not to honor the offer for information.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

April Eaves and Benna Bowen

Even though Fort Bend County officials know Stallings killed April and Benna, they refuse to indict. In legally recorded calls, they say to me they know Stallings committed the murders but they claim to be waiting to see if he makes parole. (Highly doubtful) Both these girls has one conviction for prostitution and possession of pot. In a recorded call with and FBI agent he basically says "weren't these two girl just prostitutes?"  

Anyone with an IQ above their shoe size knows that they would not run these two murder cases "concurrent" with Stallings current cases. They just dont want to "waste" tax dollars on a trial.

Or could it be that Stallings says in a couple of his letters that there was a cop involved in getting some of these girls for the parties? Can they explain the missing evidence from the Police Dept and ME's office?   Who's got the balls to report that? 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The First Stallings Letter

For all you interested folks here is the first letter I got from Stallings. Interesting stuff eh?

He hates women and will only write to them if he can get them to send money..LOL  Some actually fall for it. Mind you police know he killed the two girls in Fort Bend County and Janet Doe of the killing fields. (Recorded calls) But in one investigators words these girls were "just prostitutes".  Bullshit if you ask me.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Got another interesting letter from Edward Bell the other day....this guy is weird bigtime.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Letter From 
Brandon Lavergne regarding Ali Lowitzer

Lavergne has been in suspect in Ali's disappearance, but judging from this letter he wrote me a couple years ago I beg to differ. Read for your self. (Note: I have the originals of these)

I honestly believe that Lavergne is telling the truth. Mac Sanford (PI) and ex PI Amber Cammack (Now a waitress at a Swingers Nghtclub) both wanted to find a fall guy for Ali's case and they picked this guy. Granted he is guilty of murder in Louisiana, but I honestly dont think he abducted Ali Lowitzer. We need to find out about the "green truck he sold". I am working on that..will update.