Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Video Synopsis

I made this video briefly running down the reasons why I got into this. I will not stop either. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

These are just a few of the letters written to me by suspects who are in prison for murder and have been suspects in the disappearances of girls in the League City and Houston area. In a few are admissions and even where to locate more bodies, in some they throw little subtle hints on what to look for. Strange how law enforcement wants to sit on these letters isn't it?

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Your Thoughts?

On the left  is one of the girls found in the killing fields in 1986 still unidentified. On the right is a girl reported missing in 1983 from Louisiana. Your thoughts?  Email me,

We will probably never know because League City police lost or "misplaced" most the evidence as well as the inept Galveston COunty medical examiner. 

I think the Dept. Of Justice needs to investigate the whole department !

Friday, December 4, 2015

Update 12-4-15

Ok, I've been getting way off track. I need to stay away from the conspiracy stuff and get back down to business. I have been listening to the wrong and very weird people. Do I sense there's a cover up? Well yes. But I cant jump the gun and start convicting people on my blog.
I recently discovered that the now "let go" Houston police Sgt Mike Ferguson advised Mark Stallings not to write anyone else about the fields. Apparently Ferguson has ulterior motives to start some kind of TV show called Dead Justice, using the paranormal to solve cases.  He used me and my way of getting information to further his goal. The ones that worked with Ferguson including myself have kicked him to the curb because Ferguson and his weird pot smoking girlfriend Jenna used many people to get info for their ulterior motives. So heads up everyone, if you hear the name Mike Ferguson or Jenna, stay clear of them. They are in this to make money and will use any means necessary to further that goal. 
I will update as much as I can. Please remember to steer clear of the two mentioned above. They are "out there" if ya know what I mean.