Sunday, February 24, 2019

Disowned Missing

It's a sad world we live in. The last few weeks I was seeing the young couple who live on the streets. They asked me for a smoke and didnt say much. Last night I just saw the guy she was with and I asked about her. (I think he is pimping her out) So, I ask him her name and he tells me. So I get home and discover she was reported as a runaway and missing since 2015. She has several minor warrants out for her in Austin, Houston and Brownsville areas. I could tell she was "methed" out. Last week when I saw her I could see her eyes and man you could see a scream for help. I called the cops and they said since she is now technically and adult there's nothing they can do, sadly she will end up a "statistic". This is the kind of shit that infuriates me, parents disown their own children. Frickin sad.


By the way, a girl in a similar situation was one of Stallings victims.