Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Update 3-11-2015

After going through a bunch of pictures, I finally found the cop who followed me and the reporter in Walgreens here near my home. Here is his picture, he's the guy on the far left. It is Tommy Hansen. He works "cold Cases" and doesnt get paid for it. He is retired.

I've backed up and stored all the files and documents I have regarding the killing fields and gave them to two friends just in case something happens to me. I hear things if ya know what I mean. Keep your fingers crossed...

I am going to slow down my entries until there is something relevant to post. What you've read here on my blog is about 20 percent, I seem to have gotten some people interested into looking into this. I dont get paid for this. Unlike private investigators whose sole purpose is to try and get information from me so they can make a buck. I caught one a couple days ago trying to fish information out of me LOL. He was emailing me for info, and by the time it was over, I had his company name, his name, where he lived in the north side and where he moved to League City. If you have any information you can add, you can email me at  You WILL remain anonymous. If you are concerned and support me though this, it would be nice to get a nice email like that. I do this for the girls, for the families, and believe it or not, for justice. Not all cops are bad, but you have to watch yourself out there. These people are still lurking around out there.  If you see something suspicious, out of the ordinary please call 911 and let them check it out. It's easy to ignore a car on the side of dark highway, when it could be someone in trouble or needing help. We as humans on this earth are all supposed to look out for each other, thats the master plan. We're only on this earth a short time, so lets be nice, lets be caring. Contribute back to society, volunteer, do a good deed. If anyone wants to get a hold of me you can reach me at the email above. Until next time...See ya!-
 BTW you can call me on my Google Voice number 713-481-3184

Dont call unless you have something good to say ok? LOL

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