Friday, March 13, 2015

Something to note. It's all about game and misleading the press and the public. When the Clyde Hedricks murder trial was going on it was testified I believe by Rennsion that they had DNA evidence linking Hedricks, HOWEVER, when Detective Bittner testified, he stated all the evidence from the killing fields cases from 83 to 97 has disappeared. Why would they mislead the public and press like that? They tried to get Hedricks to admit so they could close these cases that's why. Then Miller files a bogus lawsuit again Hedrick, who told him to do that? Bittner? It was shortly thereafter is when Bittner "retired" from the department. Now he cant be forced to testify as a cop. Now he can plea the 5th because he is now a civilian.  Maybe a trip to Costa Rica? LOL It's all coming together and the right people have this information. It all centered on the Texas Moon Club, be it drugs, prostitution what ever. There was money there and alot of it.  They agreed not to prosecute Hedricks even if he admitted to the other Killing Fields murders. This even threw his lawyer for a loop. It's starting to unravel now and folks will be heading for the hills......if they are smart. Or they could come clean, clear their conscience and tell the truth to avoid prosecution. You can only cover someones butt so far. Eventually the truth comes out and cops of all people should know that.  All it takes is a few intelligent people to put this together.

The Players:

Richard Rennison - FBI (former League City cop )
Radcliffe - League City cop
Bittner - Now retired League City cop
Tommy Hansen Cold Case detective (volunteer) GCSO
Slade - League City cop
Sgt Mike - HPD Sgt  (on leave currently)
Jenna - Sgt Mike's girlfriend
Tom N - An attorney
Tim Miller - Equusearch Director
Capt Brian - Texas City PD

There is a journalist looking into this that I wont name here. One that I thought that was going to report the truth named Craig is apparently a Miller lover. One of the blind so to speak. 

Here is one site talking about the so called connection

Here is another allegedly connecting Hedricks to the others

And another

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