Monday, April 26, 2021

Reporters and Politicians

There are those that have ulterior motives when they "work" these missing persons cases. Mainly its all boils down to how much money they can make, or how much "sponsorship" they can get. Its not about finding truth and justice for the victims.

\When police leads get cold, desperate families turn to private investigators or Search and Recovery groups for answers, even reporters. Always keep in mind that these folks GET PAID to do this or stand to gain something.  Most the time they give the families false hoe into solving their missing love ones case. Reporters are paid to make it sound as dramatic as possible, PIs are paid to extract information, no matter how useless it is, search groups are depending on contributions and corporate sponsorship to look for that person. It all basically boils down to the almighty dollar for them. Ever hear the saying "crocodile tears?" 

Politicians seek a photo op with a missing persons family to give the illusion that they actually care. Reporters seeking that sound byte from a family member that sounds dramatic, after all they have advertising to do. Search groups need that camera on them as they trudge through the woods, after all they need donations and sponsorship. Now what you do is look at the income of these folks, look at the value of their homes for example. 

What do I stand to gain for working these cases? CLOSURE!

What do the above folks stand to gain for working on these cases? MONEY!

Im sure folks other than my self are hip to this but then again there are those that are ignorant. What I would like to see are more people getting involved in working on these missing persons cases. Try to stay away from conspiracy theories. You would be surprised at what you can come up with if you set your mind to it. Forget about what theories you see on the news, remember they are paid to sound dramatic. PIs and search groups gain $$$ to "care". 


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