Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why You Ask?

People often ask me why I do this. I often wonder myself. Several times I have wanted to give up because most cops dont like civilians getting involved. Alot of folks cant stomach this kind of research. I do it for the families. When police run into dead ends, it turns into a "cold case". The case get set on a pile of other cold cases because quite frankly they run out of leads. I look at a case from my own perspective, a fresh set of eyes so to speak. Perhaps I may see something that the cops missed or passed up. I try to stay away from conspiracy stuff because that can lead into a direction totally off track. 
I have researched cases where cops have become complacent. They get calloused in this stuff. Im not saying they dont care, Im just saying they look at it as just another case to pile on the desk. There are some cops that are dedicated and actually put a lot of work into a case. I was quite impressed with the work League City Police did in identifying the two girls off Calder Road.I'm a little bit closer to that case than I want to be, but if anything I can remember can help then I will do it. If the LCPD wants to look down on me because of my involvement that is their problem not mine. 
I have run into cases where the Sheriff or  lead investigator has been there for over twenty years and the citizens are intimidated or scared to speak up for the victims. Is it possible they are covering up a murder or missing person, its quite possible. I've seen cases ruled suicide that look a little fishy to me however all I can do is what I can do to get a closer look at the players and such and report my findings. What the cops do is up to them, all I can do is say I tried. 

This case of this young lady was ruled a suicide. Something didnt add up on it and I wont give up. The crime scene pics appears to look like she was trying to get the cord away from her neck. But that is just my opinion.

This next case was also ruled a suicide but what is fishy about it the lady had very limited use of her left hand and the gun allegedly found on the floor quite a few feet away. The husband was the one who called 911. He also happens to be friends with the DA and I believe the Sheriff as well.

This is why I do what I do. For the ones who law enforcement have given up on or turned a blind eye to. It concerns me because what if me or a family member or friend were found like this? You should be concerned too.


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