Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Acceptable Losses?

You know, it has occurred to me that law enforcement seems to turn a blind eye on certain cases of the missing or cold case homicides. Is it because they are at a dead end, no leads? Or is it selective law enforcement? Are these people "disposable" in their eyes? For example, the murders of April Eaves and Benna Bowen, and lets not forget Janet Doe in League City and Joseph Gauthier in Port Arthur. In the three first cases we have a written and verbal confession. DA's excuse for not prosecuting the animal behind bars right now is because he is eligible for parole in a few years on his current offenses. Generally, the public believes this and police and DA's know that the general public is ignorant. Some of us however are very savvy to their little games. In their eyes, these girls were disposable and they are not enthusiastic when it comes to solving the cases of the "no names" the "unimportant in society". Well I cannot and will not accept that. 

Then comes the case of Joseph Gauthier. Here we are talking about the Port Arthur Police Department and the person who calls himself a District Attorney in Jefferson County. Karen Jannise, a Medium has practically handed the case to law enforcement yet in their own infinite east Texas wisdom, they fail to investigate and make the necessary arrests...for now. The PAPD is full of drama and so called detectives that are merely there to put their time in so they can gt their pension. Unless of course they are either fired or quit. The ones that stay are pretty much bought and paid for. With Meth Labs and it being a hub for the import and export of drugs, police and officials there have to supplement their income right? 
Carol Gauthier, a so called teacher in the school district was the "wife" of the missing Joseph Gauthier and the case has been ruled a homicide thanks to the efforts and information Karen Jannise was able to obtain, using her gift and her research. Does law enforcement listen? Nope...Why? Because the Port Arthur Police Dept. doesnt want to be thrown under the bus for its handling of the case. Could it be that officers close to the investigation are close to this "teacher" Carol Gauthier? How does this so called "teacher" get away with throwing pot parties at her house with underage kids there, yet is not arrested for it? In east Texas its all about who you know and what officer can toss the report. Again, it's east Texas. Drugs, Meth Labs and broke cops looking to supplement their income.

One day, and soon, the case of Joseph Gauthier will be solved, not by the efforts of the police in Jefferson County, but solely by the hard work by one girl, Karen Jannise. 

Its time for the general public to stand up and demand justice in these cases. The ones who dont support Karen and her efforts are obviously involved in criminal activities. Those who stand idly by are just scared little sheep, I feel sorry for them really. Who knows, one day those sheep will be a target for them. Im talking about the same people who killed Joseph, stabbed him, shot him and burned him to bones. Yes, those scum bags, all of them will pay for what they did, one way or the other, they will pay. Especially the ones that know the truth and keep silent in their own twisted meth filled world. 

In closing I ask law abiding citizens to stand up to these scum bags and take control of where you live and quit hiding. 


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