Tuesday, December 13, 2016


I was listening to the phone calls I has with Assistant DA's, detectives etc...regarding the cases of April Eaves and Benna Bowen and it just frustrates me that they admit knowing Stallings killed them yet they sit on them. Their excuse is just in case he makes parole they will charge him so he wont get out...really? 

Meanwhile those two girls bodies remain 6 feet underground, murdered, and no justice has been served.  It's not a waste of tax payer dollars to convict him for their brutal murders.

It's interesting how Texas law enforcement picks and chooses which cases they will prosecute, it's called "prosecutorial discretion". Which means for example if someone you know and love is murdered, the DA can choose not to prosecute the person responsible for killing your loved one because he is already in prison.  Is that justice? Would you care if this happened to you?  It's simply just not fair. Not fair to the family and not fair to the victim. 

19 year old April Eaves was strangled with the red ribbon she had on her hair, her body put in a closet of an abandoned trailer. She could barely be identified through fingerprint because she had decomposed. She was cremated and her body buried at Forest Park on Lawndale.  Benna was just left on the side of the road.

So what if this was your sister, your daughter or niece? Would you trust justice will be served relying on the people who are supposed to prosecute the killer? Or wold you be pissed if they decided not to "waste" taxpayer dollars on a trial for a guy never getting out of prison? Law enforcement and DA's use game to appease they families of the victims and make it appear they actually care when its factually proven they do not...oh if you can only hear the phone calls recorded.

Its very unsettling to know that here in Texas if you are murdered, you family may never get justice because of DA's who want to save taxpayers money.


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