Thursday, May 12, 2016


Several people have asked me why I do this...well the answer is simple..."Its just the right thing to do".  I am a full supporter of "good" law enforcement. They have a tough job. But I have learned while working as an advocate for the missing that LE (Law Enforcement) has an unwritten policy about priority cases. 
Take a look around at the thousands that are missing, most are just merely girls or guy next door.A lot of them are runaway's or prostitutes that the families have given up on or "disowned" That itself is sad, because then police put them on the bottom of the pile and concentrate on the missing whose families have money or some kind of status.  It costs money for resources to investigate a missing person or a person found dead. If the person dead is a prostitute believe me they are not going to be quick or determined to solve her case. But if the girl found dead is a sweet girl who comes from a "well off" family, rest assure that LE will work hard to solve that case. 

IN the case of April Eaves, one that Stallings admitted killing and dumping in an abandoned trailer, she was a 19 year old who police say was a prostitute. In my eyes, she was still a young girl who got caught up in things she felt was her comfort zone. Who could she have been today if she wasn't savagely murdered and strangled with her very own hair ribbon?

LE calls them (off the record) "misdemeanor murders" 

Me, well I call them murders, so do the parents, the siblings and the friends. These girls are buried and forgotten just like the files that sit in the homicide divisions across this country, in the bottom, buried and forgotten.

There are a few more like me out here. Determined to find justice for these girls. Some of us aren't like the majority of the population, the ones who really don't care and don't want to get involved UNLESS it happens to someone close to them. 

There is a saying: "The dead cannot cry out for justice, it is up to the living to do so for them."

I dont get paid for this, I do this solely to get justice for these girls...all of them. The ones without a voice. 

LE is quick to discredit anyone who works on these kind of cases because we are not law enforcement. They actually believe they are the only ones that should be doing this, without help from the public because they are arrogant.  They want to be the ones standing in front of that microphone saying how hard they worked to solve this...yea and if you believe that I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

Gone are the days of good journalism, the truth. Reporters as they are called now just want a sound byte and some video with blood in it hopefully. They are actually brainwashed that LE is diligently working on these cases. Some is LE have tried to discredit me and pass that info to local reporters, but as I talk to a few of these reporters I open their eyes to the truth and it leaves them wondering. However, a reporter will ALWAYS believe what a person in LE will tell them and report it. It is then they are led away from the truth, sad fact but that is just the way media is now, basically government controlled.

I sit here, on a weeknight, working on this and cold cases while the rest of you sleep in your safe zone, not knowing what is really going on out that front door, or you can say, not wanting to know what is going on. I will still get up, work like always and still look for justice for these girls. I see the world differently than most people. While everyone live in their unicorn and fairy tale world, I see the world as it really is...EVIL. And there are a few of us sheepdogs that will do what we are called to do. If you turn up missing I hope your family never relies on just LE looking into the case.  

AS you sleep think about those of us who are up late at night doing this and gathering information and giving it to LE so they can go on camera saying they solved the case. We are the unknown, the shadow in the background. We are the ones assuring the families that justice will be served and we work on it harder to pressure LE to do their job and get these families closure.  We do this because we want too. We do this risking our lives. We do this despite the people saying "How much money is that putting in your pocket?"  

I have communicated with several killers, suspects in multiple murders doing time behind bars. I do this because I can somehow get them to open up about their life and why they did what they did. I get them to confess, I get them to trust me. I dont judge them, thats up to God and a court of law. 

Are your doors locked when you go to bed?

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